Digital marketing target audience on a laptop

Who is your target audience? Are you targeting your audience or are you just throwing money at ads hoping for growth? When it comes to advertising your business, it is imperative that you know who your “Target Audience” is and how to reach them.

You need to be direct. Directly reaching their interest in your product or service. Doing this will ultimately bring more revenue to your business.

You can figure out your message, your hook and your delivery, but if you do not understand your audience then you are just throwing money out the window in advertising cost.


A purchase is personal in one way or another. Therefore, for people to buy what you are offering whether it be product or service, they need to relate to the tone of the content. By creating a personal connection or relatable message, trust is established, and people feel comfortable to make a purchase when they trust you.


How do you figure out your target audience? Think about the specific needs that your product or service provided. Once you know what your product or service fulfills, then think about who would need it.

You can keep going to narrow the focus and get better results.

Gold nugget: Offer a special price or discount code to those who visit your website or brick and mortar if they fill out a survey that captures the information that you need.

Extra Gold: Good sources for Surveys

Always turn to your social media platforms for free genuine interaction. Saying that I would do some polls on Instagram stories, Facebook stories, and even TikTok. For a more formatted survey, you can use services like Survey Monkey or E Survey Creator.

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