How Can SEO Increase Web Traffic: 4 Crucial Factors To Focus

Many people know how important search engine optimization (SEO) is to a website’s success, but how exactly does it work?

The purpose of SEO is to increase web traffic by ensuring that your site appears in relevant search results, which draws visitors to your site. Obtaining a natural ranking on search engine results pages is known as organic SEO. 

Organic search engine optimization includes keyword analysis, backlinking (contains links to other websites), link building (composing links to sites with similar content or contacting bloggers or listing sites to add your link), and, finally, writing content relevant to human readers.


Let’s check out four crucial factors on how can SEO increase web traffic for your business:

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Content Optimization
  3. On-Page & Technical SEO
  4. Relevant Link Building
how can seo increase web traffic

Keyword Research

Including keywords in your title tags, headers, meta descriptions, and body copy is an essential part of SEO (as well as creating an SEO strategy plan). Using these keywords, you inform the search engines what your site and pages are about, and you demonstrate the relevance of your page when users search for those terms.

Back in the early days of search engine optimization, many SEO professionals viewed this as an opportunity to plaster broad keywords throughout their websites. Fortunately, search engines have become increasingly intelligent over the years. As a result, choosing and using keywords should take extra care, and users should see better results. Here are some tips.

Long-tail keywords

Consider including long-tail keywords, such as “moving company in Houston.” However, there are likely to be fewer people searching for this phrase than “moving company.” It is essential to pay attention to the intent of your audience. When one searches for a “moving company,” they may search for various things – companies, processes, reviews, services – but those who search for a “book moving company in Houston” are searching for a moving company that operates in their local area. 

You will likely be ranked better and attract more traffic if you concentrate on longer keywords.

Location-based keywords

Additionally, you should include location-based keywords in addition to keywords that tell the reader what your site is about. Search engines such as Google and Bing do not have any way of knowing where your business is unless you inform them. For this reason, it is imperative to include city and region names if you wish to appear on search engine results pages for a specific area.

For instance, if your moving company is located in New York, you would want to include the keyword “moving companies in New York.” This will make your information even more targeted and improve your chances of being found by local customers.

Intent Driving Keywords


Finally, keep in mind the intent of your audience. For instance, someone searching for “how to make a website” is likely looking for how-to information and tutorials they can follow. In this case, it might be more beneficial to include keywords such as “website how-to guide.”


Content Optimization

Though this will not necessarily increase traffic on its own, you are more likely to rank for specific long-tail keywords if they appear multiple times throughout your post. Furthermore, human readers are less likely to find your text frustrating and overwhelming (which could lead them away from your site).

The goal should always remain to write quality content with helpful information about how organizations can benefit from SEO services. The only thing missing here would link back to our website & possibly contact details – either at the end or scattered throughout the article.


It is vital to have actual content on your site when you create pages. Nevertheless, how long does this content need to be? A short blurb is easier to write but not that helpful for the reader.

So, make sure you focus more on quality than quantity. It does not mean that you should produce huge content, but provide your visitors with comprehensive information.

Keyword Density

You should also include keywords in your text, but how much is too much? The answer to this question depends on how “informative” you want the search engines to be. For example, if someone searched for a phrase like “moving companies,” using it as many times or more than other long-tail terms would likely be overkill and could severely hurt your organic SEO.

On the other hand, if someone searched for “moving companies in New York,” you would want to make sure that this phrase appeared at least a couple of times throughout the article. It is vital to balance how often these keywords appear while still making sense for human readers.

Internal Linking

As most of your pages, articles, and blog posts probably relate to a single industry or interest, there’s a good chance some of them are described. Links between these pieces are beneficial. Connect a recent post about transportation to a previous post about a moving company, for example.


On-Page & Technical SEO

On-page SEO and Technical SEO are the following most crucial SEO traffic factors. These factors are how your website is coded, how pages are linked to each other, how search engines view page content and structure, and whether there is a sitemap available for the site.

On-page SEO includes analyzing what keywords you have on your webpage + how many times they’re mentioned throughout the post(s). It also focuses on elements like meta tags & title tag usage (keywords in these help boost ranking), hreflang tags/language settings (if you have an international audience, this will help with accurate indexing), URL optimization – making sure it’s short enough but still descriptive.

Finally, On-Page SEO checks all heading levels used in posts ensuring that correct header tags are in use, with the most important ones being H-tags.

Benefits of On-page SEO:

Users will find your website easily and quickly (without having to sort through irrelevant results). Google likes it when people link back to their sites – therefore, On-Page SEO helps with how many other pages you’re featured on. The more websites are linking back to you = the higher ranking in SERPs.

SEO is a multi-faceted process and requires the coordination of many different strategies to achieve rankings. For SEO on your site to be successful, you must stay up to date with how search engines work, how their algorithms rank sites, what keywords are prevalent in your industry/niche at that moment in time – essentially how to get a website found.

Technical SEO is how a website’s structure is coded – how pages link to each other (internal linking), how user-friendly it is for crawlers and mobile users, how fast your site loads up compared to others competing for organic search rankings.

Technical aspects focus on page titles & meta description usage (how many characters they should be), hreflang configuration (if you have an international audience, this will help with accurate indexing). Also, check if there are any broken links or images that need updating, plus having an XML sitemap available can speed up crawling by allowing crawl bots to find all of your content easily.

Benefits Of Optimizing Technical SEO

Optimizing technical SEO can help a website keep up with the latest updates and changes that Google is making to its algorithm and stay relevant in search results for more extended periods if they have been around long enough compared to their competitors.

Not having an XML sitemap available and having web resources issues can make it extremely difficult for search engine crawlers to find and index your content, resulting in losing out on traffic.

Broken links and images look unprofessional and show up as errors when people try to access them from Google or other user-generated websites using the same link.

Relevant SEO Link Building

Link building is the process of acquiring backlinks, which are links from other websites to your own.

One technique for link building is reaching out to bloggers and list sites to obtain a mention in an article or post to link back to your website.

Another method involves writing guest posts on relevant blogs where you can add a hook that includes a call-to-action at the end linking back to your site. Finally, when publishing new content online, it’s important not only how well written it is but also how many keywords related to directly related terms are used by web users when searching about topics within this topic area.

E.g., if you have published a blog post specifically targeting “how does SEO work,” you may want to include how, how does, how can, and so forth in your content.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a method of link building where bloggers write content for other blogs. This can be done on your blog or with the site owner’s permission to publish it elsewhere, such as The benefit of guest posting lies in how becoming an author has benefits for your website, including how it helps rank higher in search results.

Guest blogging is not just about getting links to boost SEO traffic but also how it can help build relationships with bloggers and site owners who may be interested in working with you on future projects or providing a link back to one of your websites/pages at some point in the future.

Guest posting at the end of your post is an excellent way to add an author bio and include how you can be followed on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or Google+. This also provides readers with ways they can learn more about you outside of how well-written the guest post is.

Business Listing

Listing your business on relevant directories can attract new customers to the website. This includes sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Google Listing & among others.

If you are a restaurant, then making sure that listing appears in the top three or five search results will increase web traffic considerably if how’s page is found at the top of the SERP.

Business listings are not just free to create, but they also provide more exposure online, which can have long-term benefits for a brand and website traffic in general. These sites rank highly on search engines too, so having business pages appear prominently is a great way to increase web traffic while providing new customers on your website.


Reaching out to bloggers and other site owners can be a great way to increase web traffic.

However, the critical thing here is not how many backlinks you gain from this outreach but how well-written your email message is and how compelling your offer is. One of the best ways to do so is by providing value to bloggers or site owners by writing a guest post for well-written, informative, and how many links you add to your website.

If you can’t offer a guest blog but rather an in-depth interview with a person, then providing this information will significantly benefit their site and website traffic.


This is how SEO can increase web traffic by making sure that your website features in relevant searches and draws in relevant traffic with the help of result-driven website SEO services.

Hire our professional SEO services company for maximum output out of your search engine campaign. Contact us now!